"Exploring Age Differences in Responses to Disrespect Among Young and Older Adults"
  Student Author(s): Amanda Chappell and Rachel Scott  
Faculty Mentors: Dr. Jenessa Steele & Dr. Nick Lee

Forum Engagement Gender Studies Showcase  ~ 4:30 to 5:30 pm ~ Heth Lobby
"Disrespectful actions have many negative repercussions, as disrespect can foster hostility, prompt violence, and negatively impact relationships (Hawkins, 2015; Miller, 2001). Emotional responses to disrespect tend to be negative, although more research is needed to investigate overall reactions to disrespectful experiences across the lifespan. In this study, the researchers investigated how different age groups respond to being disrespected, specifically by being ignored. In the current study, young and older adult participants responded to six scenarios, which portray ignored disrespect. Within the scenarios, the relationship with the disrespect perpetrator varied from very close to distant. The participants reported their emotional response and overall sensitivity to the particular disrespectful scenarios. Preliminary analyses revealed that there were many significant gender differences in responses to the scenarios, with female participants reporting more sensitivity and a stronger emotional reaction than male participants (p < .05). The researchers, therefore, controlled for gender and conducted a 2 X 2 Analysis of Covariance to determine the effects of age and relationship with the disrespect perpetrator on sensitivity and emotional reaction. In general, participants were more upset when disrespected by someone close to them. We did not find the age differences that we predicted or any significant interactions between age and relationship. The findings of this study suggest that it is more hurtful to be disrespected by someone close to you and also that females may be more sensitive to disrespect than males. Learning more about reactions to disrespect is relevant for virtually all interpersonal relationships and can have implications for a variety of settings, including in schools, at home, and within Healthcare1                       
Keywords: disrespect, emotion, adults, ignored, gender                                                              Amanda Chappell
1Page 100   2019 Annual Student Engagement Forum 
Gender Studies Showcase:.Pages 99-103
Center Home  Psychology   Women's and Gender Studies  College of Humanities & Behavioral Sciences 
 Radford University
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