"Exploring Age Differences and Gender in Responses to Disrespect Among
 Young and Older Adults"
Amanda Chappell
M.A. in Experimental Psychology
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Jenessa Steele
Presentation Abstract
Disrespectful actions have many negative repercussions, as disrespect can foster hostility, prompt violence, and negatively impact relationships (Hawkins, 2015; Miller, 2001). Emotional responses to disrespect tend to be negative, although more research is needed to investigate overall reactions to disrespectful experiences across the lifespan. This study will investigate how different age groups and how different genders respond to scenarios of disrespect. Young and older adult participants will respond to three different scenarios of being disrespected, specifically by being ignored. The researchers define ignored disrespect as physically excluding someone, ignoring what someone is saying, and ignoring the feelings of another person. Participants will report their emotional responses to the disrespect scenarios, as well as their sensitivity to the disrespect described in the scenarios. The researchers expect to find not only age differences in response to disrespect but also gender differences, as well. Past researchers have found that the gender of both parties (the disrespect target and the disrespect actor) moderated the reactions to the disrespect (Blincoe & Harris, 2011). It is clear that disrespect creates emotional harm, but the extent of this harm may be different between men and women. Men and women may also vary in their overall intensity to disrespect and their emotional reaction, with men believed to react more with anger and women believed to react more with sadness. Learning more about reactions to disrespect can have implications for relationships within a variety of settings, including in schools, at home, in the workplace, and within healthcare settings. An ultimate goal of studying disrespect is to create possible interventions and education platforms to discourage disrespect from happening in the first place.

Keywords: Disrespect, Gender, Socio-emotional Selectivity Theory, Emotion, Ignored, Exclusion

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Center for Gender Studies  Psychology  College of Humanities & Behavioral Sciences  Radford University
Web page by:  W. Andrew   Last update November 12th, 2018