Jessica Leonardi & Alison Carr
Undergraduate Students ~ Sweet Briar College
Jessica Leonardi The Effects of Perceived Math Performance on Explicit Math Attitude

for the
Eighth Annual
MARCUS Conference  at  Sweet Briar College
Saturday October 7, 2006
Alison Carr
Presentation Abstract
This study examined the effect of mathematics performance on mathematics attitude. Forty college-aged females were used as participants. A preliminary mathematics attitude survey was administered to each participant to measure explicit mathematics attitude 1-week prior to taking a math task. Participants were split into high and low math attitude groups based on this original attitude survey. Half of each of these groups was given positive feedback on the math task and the other half received negative feedback; this created a total of 4 participant groups. After receiving feedback, each participant completed a post-test attitude survey.

It was found that the groups who received feedback different from their original attitudes had significant changes in attitude based on the feedback they were given.

For further information regarding this presentation, please email the authors,
   Jessica Lenonardi at:
   Alison Carr at:

Webpage by:  H. Lips  &   W. Andrew
Last Updated: March16th  2022
November 31th, 2019
©2006 H. Lips & W. Andrew