The Role Played by Ambivalent Sexism in the Motherhood Penalty and Hiring Discrimination
 2012 symposium presentation by:
Alynn Gordon with Timothy Kennedy
RU sponsor: Dr. Hilary Lips
Abstract.   Literature on the motherhood penalty and gender-based hiring discrimination illustrates that women are more likely than men to suffer disadvantages through pay allocation, hireability, and perceived job-related skills. These already prominent disadvantages are shown to be exacerbated by a woman indicating she is a parent; however, this effect has not been shown for men. Previous research focusing on these problems explains that stereotypes are the reason for such differential treatment. Unfortunately, current research does not fully explain this occurrence, as gender counter-stereotypical information fails to eradicate discrimination completely. Ambivalent sexism is proposed to be an important contributor to this problem, and its effect was tested in a paradigm in which evaluators were given identical information, save for gender and  parental status. Participants were human resource managers and university students. Data are currently being analyze to determine if gender differences exist on the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI). Further, if gender differences do exist, data will be analyzed to determine if participant's sexism scores influence ratings of applicant's competence, likability, hirability, and salary allocation.
Program-2012   Keynote Speaker   Center for Gender Studies   Psychology   Women's Studies   English
last update: September 12th  2013               Radford University ~ Radford, Virginia             webpage: w.andrew