Predicting workplace incivility:
The role of stereotyped beliefs and personal characteristics
Sarah Abercrombie,
Psy.D. Program in Counseling Psychology
(Co-Sponsoring faculty members:
Dr. Sarah Hastings;
Dr. Tracy Cohn &
Dr. Tom Pierce)
Research indicates that women are more likely than
men to be the targets of repeated uncivil behaviors in the
Members of ethnic and racial minorities are also at increased risk of
experiencing incivility. Repeated experiences of this low-grade aversive
treatment can lead to negative physical and psychological outcomes
affecting both the personal and professional lives of the target as well
as bystanders and the organization itself. Notably, these outcomes have
been linked to job withdrawal, leading researchers to investigate
selective incivility as a potential contributing effect of the glass
ceiling for women and minorities in the United States. While much
research has focused on the perspective and outcomes of the targets of
incivility, few investigations have focused on the perspective of the
perpetrators of these uncivil behaviors. The current research seeks to
investigate a relationship between specific personality characteristics
and perpetration
of incivility against women and minorities. In order to
provide a holistic view of the social landscape of incivility in the
workplace and to account for the global nature of its harmful effects,
information about perpetration and the experience of incivility will be
recorded from both male and female participants. Personality
characteristics including narcissism, aggression, and sexism will be
recorded for both males and females. Implications and suggestions for
future research will be discussed.
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