Gender Scholarship @ Radford
Tuesday ~ December 6th ~
Location: Heth 014 & 043 ~ Time:
4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Psychology 4th Annual
Research Symposium Program_Fall-2016 |
Student-Faculty Gender Research
Presentation Abstracts
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Student - Faculty PresentationsTeams |
Oral Session I Presentations
~ 4:00-5:30 ~ Heth 014 |
Oral Session I
Presentation Abstracts |
Gina Borrelli
"Single mother’s involvement: Looking at
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jayne Bucy
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The purpose of this study was to examine
predictors of parental involvement among single
mothers. The mother’s education and number of
hours worked per week were looked at as
predictors. 218 single mothers of eighth grade
students were examined. A multiple regression
was performed to measure variance in involvement
accounted for by education and number of hours
worked. Significant results found that 7.8% of
the variance in school involvement can be
explained by education and hours worked.
Karen Steffey
"Young mothers: Impact of age on learning
provided to children"
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jayne Bucy
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Maternal age impacts
learning opportunities provided to children.
Data collected from The Early Childhood
Longitudinal Study provided national data on
children from birth to 8th grade. Maternal age
12 to 45 answers on questionnaires were
examined. The information about pre-school
activities provided prior to enrolling in school
was evaluated (N = 6, 759). Analysis of
co-variance (ANCOVA) research design was
utilized with maternal age (IV) and pre-school
academic readiness skills (DV) and socioeconomic
status (covariant) as the variables studied.
Results indicated differences existed in the
number of opportunities provided; however, the
differences were not significant when
considering SES. Fewer learning readiness
opportunities were provided by younger mothers
when compared to older mothers; moreover,
seventeen percent of the difference was due to
SES status.
Session II Poster-
Presentations ~ 5:00-6:00 ~ Heth 043 |
Session II Poster
Presentation Abstracts |
Hillary Bennington
"Woman professionals in a predominately male
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Anja Whittington
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The purpose of this research is to identify
inequalities and gender biases that female
professionals in the outdoor recreation field
suffer. The research included the gender
inequalities that females suffer, as well as the
way they believe they are perceived by men and
the general population. The research was done in
various ways. Literary research was conducted,
as well as phone interviews with current female
professionals. The research was also solidified
based on personal observations done by the
researcher. The personal observations were done
on the Radford University Wilderness Institute.
The research concluded that woman are definitely
the minority in the outdoor recreation field.
However, while being the minority, there are
growing numbers of women professionals. It was
also determined that the majority of woman in
the outdoor recreation field feel as though most
males act as though women are weaker and less
knowledgeable, and are unaware that they do so.
Session II Poster
Presentations ~ 5:00-6:00 ~ Heth 043 |
Session II Poster
Presentation Abstracts |
Randi Carter & Danielle Reed
"Exploring the relationship between
pessimism and
aggression levels in early adulthood"
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jenessa Steele
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The current study
investigated the relationship between
personality disposition and aggression. The
researchers hypothesized that there will be a
positive correlation between pessimistic
personality disposition and aggression. The
participants were all Radford University
undergraduate students currently enrolled in an
introductory psychology course. The study was
posted online on the SONA website through the
Qualtrics program. First the participants took
the Hopelessness Scale (Beck & Weissman,1974)
survey and then were randomly assigned to a
group who watched an aggressive video or a group
that didn’t watch the aggressive video. After
the video participants were asked to take a
second survey, the Buss-Perry aggression scale.
The independent variables that the researchers
outlined was personality disposition
(Hopelessness scale) high-low pessimism and
whether or not participants watched the
aggressive video while the dependent variable
was participants measuring in aggression.
Results will be discussed.
Session II Poster
Presentations ~ 5:00-6:00 ~ Heth 043 |
Session II Poster
Presentation Abstracts |
Rebecca Wiegmann, Julianna Williams, Cassandra
Karina Bevins, Lara Barbir, Celine Fadi,
Katherine Easter
Adjusting to college: A correlational study
on adjustment
predictors for first-year female college
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jeffery Aspelmeier
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The purpose of the
study was to provide further validation for the
Adolescent Girls’ Resilience Scale (AGRS)
through examining convergence with other related
measures. The secondary goal was to identify
risk factors for adjustment issues in the first
semester of college for women aged 17 to 19. (M=
17.96 SD=.33). As part of a larger study, 123
first-year female students attending Radford
University were surveyed. The measures used were
the AGRS and measures of self-esteem (Rosenberg
Self Esteem Scale), symptoms of psychological
distress (Symptom Checklist-90-Revised),
attachment (Experiences in Close Relationships),
and social support (SSQSR). Results indicated
that the AGRS positive peer relationships and
confidence subscales were strongly positively
correlated with self-esteem, network density,
and satisfaction (SS), and negatively correlated
with attachment anxiety and avoidance and the
global symptoms index of the SCL-90-R. The
strongest predictors of adjustment as measured
by the SCL-90-R were as follows: self-esteem,
positive peer relationships, attachment anxiety,
and confidence. Social support and avoidance
were found to be weaker predictors. The findings
supported that the AGRS converges meaningfully
with other related measures, and these selected
measures showed strong correlational support as
predictors for adjustment in first-year college
Research Symposium Presenters' Departments and RU College Links
Experimental Psychology School
Psychology Psychology
Recreation, Parks & Tourism
of Humanities & Behavioral Sciences College
of Education & Human Development Radford
University |
Web Page © 2016 W. Andrew
Last updated: September 14th,