Hilary Lips Honored
~ for Distinguished Scholarship
at Radford University
~ August, 2011
Hilary Lips, professor in Radford University’s College of
Humanities and Behavioral
Sciences, is the recipient of
the highest honor given by the
college to its faculty.Hilary Lips,
chair of the Department of
Psychology and a professor in
that department, is the winner
of the College
of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences'
(CHBS’s) Distinguished
Distinguished Scholarship Award.
The professor was selected by a committee of her peers.
She received a plaque and $500 in professional development
Dr. Lips’ research focuses on the gender pay gap and
on intersections of gender, power, self-perceptions and achievement.
She has studied the academic self-views
of university students, the “possible future
selves” that young women and men imagine for
themselves and the impact of role models on the
academic self-views of women and men.

Dr. Lips also teaches courses in psychology of women and social
psychology, and works with students on a variety of research projects.
Many of these projects have occurred within the
Center for Gender Studies.
In 1989, she oversaw the development of the Center, securing
its formal approval from Radford University's Board of Visitor. Since
1989, she has been the Center's continuing director. For an overview of her scholarships and research see
H. Lips' Complete C.V.
For a brief overview, please visit Highlights and Awards on the
Center for Gender Studies' Mission page.
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