Gender Pay Gap Day Events-Schedule
Muse Banquet Hall                  A Day of Talks & Workshops     Monday March 31st, 2014
All Events Listed Below May Be Attended Separately

CORE Classes May Receive Scholar-Citizen Credit for Attending
Time Presentations Workshops Hands-on Information Stations
10:00 Welcome    
10:15 Mary Ferrari (History: Email )
The gender pay gap through history
Alyssa Archer (McConnell Library: Email ) Know what you’re worth Career Services (Email ): Salary negotiation: Having the conversation
11:00 Lori Elis (Criminal Justice: Email )
Salary Injustice? An examination of the gender gap in pay in the criminal justice professions
11:15 Alyssa Archer (McConnell Library: Email )  Know what you’re worth
11:30 Sara O’Brien (Biology: Email )
The pink paycheck problem: Addressing the gender gap in STEM fields
11:45 Tanya Corbin (Political Science: Email )
Citizen activism and the gender pay gap: A tool kit for legislative action
12:00 Lori Elis (Criminal Justice: Email )
Salary Injustice? An examination of the gender gap in pay in the criminal justice professions
12:15 Alyssa Archer (McConnell Library: Email )  Know what you’re worth  
12:30 Hilary Lips (Psychology: Email )
The amazingly persistent gender pay gap
1:00 Roann Barris (Art: Email )
Getting into Museums: The art of the gender pay gap
1:15   Career Services (Email ): Salary negotiation: Having the conversation
1:30 Carla Corroto (Sociology: Email )
The myth of women “opting out”
2:00 Beth Lyman (Sociology: Email )
How much is enough? Income and lifestyle
2:30 Mary Ferrari (History: Email )
The gender pay gap through history
3:00 Career Services (Email ): Salary negotiation: Having the conversation
3:30   Alyssa Archer (McConnell Library: Email )  Know what you’re worth
4:00 Conclusion: Kasey Campbell
 (Email ) & Rori Holford (Email)
 ( Sociology & Women’s Studies )
Gender Pay Gap Event-Day Images
Gender Pay Gap Day Events:     Pay Gap Presentations      Pay Gap Workshops      Pay Gap Hands-on Information Stations
Gender Pay Gap Event Sponsors
RU Center for Gender Studies       RU Sociology       Scholar-Citizen Initiative       RU Psychology       Radford University
Gender Pay Gap Poster    Gender Pay Gap Organizers    WebPage: W. Andrew & H. Lips    Last update: August 27th, 2022