~ Gender, Leadership and the Presidential Election ~
A 2016 Panel Presentation Event
Sponsored by Radford University's Center for Gender Studies
Dr. Hilary Lips Dr. Theresa Schroeder Mrs. Kristina Contreras

Dr. Irvin Clark

Dr. Tom Pierce

Kate Brennan, DNP

Dr. Tanya Corbin

Dr. Joseph Scartelli
 Radford University Faculty ~ Administration Attending Panel Presentations 

Dr. Bob Sheehy

Dr. Ann Elliott

Dr. David Townsend

Dr. Scott Dunn
 Radford University Faculty ~ Administration Attending Panel Presentations ▲
▲  Informal Post Presentation Discussions  ▲
Presidential Election Issues Panel: Presentation Flyer  ~ Presentation Announcement
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College of Humanities &  Behavioral Sciences     School of Nursing     Radford University
 Web Page: w. andrew        ©2016 W. Andrew  & A. Elliott      Last updated: November 28th 2016