Perceptions of Power Questionnaire
web version designed & developed by
Hilary M. Lips, Ph.D.
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PERCEPTIONS OF POWER QUESTIONNAIRE: Copyright © 1995 by Hilary M. Lips


Please Provide a 3 to 6 Letter Expression or Word. Choose a letter sequence that you will remember and can re-use in case you need to re-edit and re-submit this form. Be sure to select an expression or sequence that protects your anonymity.
                         DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION

Present Location:       If presently in the US or Canada,

Age:       Sex:             Current Marital Status:  


Chosen (or anticipated) career:  
If in University, indicate: your year and major 
                         This questionnaire refers to the way in which you view power.
                         By power, we mean the capacity to have an influence, or an impact, on other people. In this sense, persons with power affect the lives of those around them and make decisions that have an impact at both the individual and social levels.

                         PART I
                         When we think of the future, sometimes we imagine the kind of person that we could become someday. In the following questions, imagine yourself in the future taking on different "roles." You may have already thought of some of these roles; others may be more difficult for you to visualize, and it may be that you have never considered some of these alternatives until now.
                          Think freely and use your imagination. Then, answer the following questions based on the images that occur to you.

          1. Imagine yourself in the future as a person with power.
              What or Who would you be? 
          2. Imagine what you would be like if you were the person you have imagined. What would you
be like? What would you do? How would you look? How would you feel? How would you act? Think
about these questions and write your reactions:

          3. Is there a possibility that you will actually become the person with power you have imagined?

1 2 3 4 5
Very Possible
Don't Know
Not Very Possible

          4. Why?

          5. Imagine yourself in the future as chief executive officer, or president, of a large company.
              Think: What would you be like?  What would you do?  How would you look?
 How would you feel? How would you act?
              Now, describe in your own words what you have imagined:

          6. What would you like about this ceo or president's position?

          7. What would you dislike about this ceo or president's position?

         8. Is this ceo or president's image of yourself positive or negative?

1 2 3 4 5
Very Positive
Very Negative

          9. Why?

         10. Is there a possibility that you will actually become the ceo or president you have imagined?

1 2 3 4 5
Very Possible Possible Don't Know Not Very Possible Impossible

         11. Why?

         12. Imagine yourself in the future as a holder of an important political leadership position.
              Think: What would you be like? What would you do? How would you look? How would you feel? How would you act?
             Now, describe in your own words what you have imagined:

         13. What would you like about this political leadership position?

         14. What would you dislike about this political leadership position?

         15. Is this political leadership image of yourself positive or negative?

1 2 3 4 5
Very Positive Positive Neutral Negative Very Negative

         16. Why?

         17. Is there a possibility that you will actually become the political leader you have imagined?

1 2 3 4 5
Very Possible Possible Don't Know Not Very Possible Impossible

         18. Why?

         19. Imagine yourself in the future as the director of an important scientific research center.
              Think: What would you be like? What would you do? How would you look? How would you feel? How would you act?
              Now, describe in your own words what you have imagined:

         20. What would you like about this director of scientific research position?

         21. What would you dislike about this director of scientific research position?

         22. Is this director of scientific research image of yourself positive or negative?

1 2 3 4 5
Very Positive Positive Neutral Negative Very Negative

         23. Why?

         24. Is there a possibility that you will actually become the director of scientific research you have imagined?

1 2 3 4 5
Very Possible Possible Don't Know Not Very Possible Impossible

         25. Why?

         26. Which of the future roles presented (chief executive, political leader, director of a scientific research center) was most difficult for you to imagine? 
         27. Why?

                         PART II
        28. Write about 2 persons who have power at the present time and whom you know either personally
              or through the media.                                         Approx.
              Name                              Position                          Age       Why powerful?
         29. Write about women who have power at the present time. Indicate who they are and why they are powerful.                                                                            Approx.
              Name                              Position                          Age       Why powerful?
         30. Write about men who have power at the present time. Indicate who they are and why they are powerful.                                                                            Approx.
              Name                              Position                          Age       Why powerful?

         31. Describe the most positive personal experience you have had in relation to a woman with power. Why was the experience positive?

         32. Describe the most positive personal experience you have had in relation to a man with power. Why was the experience positive?

         33. Describe the most negative personal experience you have had in relation to a woman with power. Why was the experience negative?

         34. Describe the most negative personal experience you have had in relation to a man with power. Why was the experience negative?

         35. Are women with power different from men with power?
              No () (Go on to the next question)     Yes () How are they different?

         Please complete the following sentences:
         36. Most women think that women with power are
         37. Most men think that women with power are
         38. Most women think that men with power are
         39. Most men think that men with power are
         40. Who are the women in your life who hold or have held power with respect to you? (You do not have to use names, simply refer to the relationship you have had with them). How do you feel about these women? How have they influenced you?

         41. Who are the men in your life who hold or have held power with respect to you? (You do not have to use names, simply refer to the relationship you have had with them). How do you feel about these men? How have they influenced you?


Perceptions of Power Questionnaire, Copyright © 1995 by Hilary M. Lips

Perception of Power Research     Questionnaire-Online      Questionnaire-Printable HTML Version
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Web Page Created by:  W. Andrew   &   H. Lips
Last Updated: September 29th, 
@Hilary Lips, 2001