Keynote Address:
To Be Given
By: Dr.
Martha McCaughey |
keynote address combines Dr. McCaughey's work on the women's self-defense
movement, her work studying the embodiment of evolutionary (ie, Darwinian)
narratives about male sexuality, and the importance of studying gender
and the body more generally.
Martha McCaughey, author of
Knockouts: The Physical Feminism of Women's Self-Defense,
has left her positions at Virginia Tech and is now the Director of
Women's Studies at Applachian
State University. Interdisciplinary Studies at Virginia Tech.
She received her Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California
at Santa Barbara. McCaughey's scholarly work examines the embodied
discourses of gender, sexuality, and aggression. Focusing on scientific
narratives, popular culture, and feminist theory, her work has been
published in Hypatia, Science as Culture, GLQ, masculinities, Teaching
Sociology, and in No Angels: Women Who Commit Violence, edited by
Alice Myers and Sarah Wight (Pandora 1996).
She is currently co-editing with Neal
King the forthcoming book,
Knockouts: Violent Women in the Movies (University of
Texas Press), on violent women in film and teaches courses in women's
studies, science and technology studies, and sociology. McCaughey
serves on the editorial board of Gender & Society and is a member
of several academic associations in her areas of study. She does not
represent any self-defense or self-defense-related organization. If
you haven't done so already, please visits the following sites for
further information:
Dr. McCaughey website: