thing about democracy beloveds , is that it is not neat,
orderly, or quiet. It requires
a certain relish for confusion." Molly
Ivins |
dearly love the state of Texas,
but I consider that a harmless perversion on my part, and
discuss it only with consenting adults."
Molly Ivins |
at Dinner with Hosts: Margaret Moore & Dr. Marie Waters |
know vegetarians don't like to hear this, but God made an awful lot
of land
that's good for nothing but grazing." Molly Ivins |
believe that ignorance is the root of all evil. And that no one knows
the truth." Molly Ivins |
Founders were right all along, but the results are a lot funnier than
they intended."
Molly Ivins |
believe that ignorance is the root of all evil. And that no one knows
the truth." Molly Ivins |
a humor column for Ms. Magazine always sounded like the punchline
of a joke to me. That estimable publication tends toward the sober...
Still, being female is often a comical proposition in this world,
and being a Texas feminist is a particularly oxymoronic vocation."
Molly Ivins |
a funny old female dog, idn't she? ........
hawk and no spit." Molly Ivins |
a cynic is so contemptibly easy. ...you don't have to invest anything
in your work.
No effort, no pride, no compassion, no sense of excellence, nothing."
Molly Ivins |
still believe in Hope - mostly because
there's no such place as Fingers Crossed, Arkansas." Molly
Ivins |
Ivins Event Sponsored by: an Anonymous Donor, the Radford University
Foundation, and
Radford's College of Arts & Sciences
Created by
W. Andrew &
H. Lips ©2001
H. Lips & W. Andrew Last updated
September 16th, 2019 |