"Are Girls Still Nurses and Boys Still Doctors?
Gendered Occupational Segregation: A Persistent Issue"
Presented by Dr. Katie Lawson
  RU Lawson Flyer Heth Hall  043
4 p.m. Monday, October 12, 2015
Radford University
 RU Presentation Abstract
~ Images from Dr. Lawson's 2015 Alumna Presentation & Visit at Radford University ~
  Pre-Talk Dinner         Presentation Images  ~  Post-Talk Images         Post-Talk Dinner  
"Childhood experiences predicted gendered occupational attainment in young adulthood ... Sons of mothers with more gendered attitudes acquired more gender-typed occupations ..." 1
"For girls, more childhood time with fathers predicted less gender-typed occupations ... For boys, more childhood time with fathers predicted more gender-typed occupations." 1
1 Links between family gender socialization experiences in childhood and gendered occupational attainment in young adulthood.
Katie M. Lawson, Ann C. Crouter, Susan M. McHale
Journal of Vocational Behavior. October 2015, Vol. 90, p26-35. 10p

"Female-typed activity interests predict female-typed skills but not the reverse ...   ... Male-typed interests and skills are linked over time in a bidirectional way" 2
"Male-typed interests and skills both predict occupational outcomes ... Female-typed skills, but not interests, predict occupational outcomes" 2
2  Longitudinal associations between gender-typed skills and interests and their links to occupational outcomes.
Bora Lee, Katie M. Lawson, Susan M. McHale
Journal of Vocational Behavior. June 2015, Vol. 88, p121-130. 10p

Dr. Lawson's Presentation & Visit Sponsored by the College of Humanities & Behavioral Science's
Center for Gender Studies  and  Department of Psychology at Radford University

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