Urbanicity: A Comparison between Urban and Rural Living Environments and ADHD Prevalence in Adolescents that Display Juvenile Delinquency
By: Ms. Jennifer Varley
          and Dr. Valerie Leake (not shown)
Abstract. Past studies have helped link ADHD to various conditions, such as display of delinquent
behavior, age, gender, and school performance. However in order to further understand various external factors associated to ADHD additional research needs to be conducted. One particular factor that has not been addressed in depth would be urbanicity risk factors. In addition, the majority of previous research has been done using highly urban areas, calling for more research involving rural populations. A sub-sample was taken from the National Longitudinal Study of adolescent health. Various variables were examined such as Involvement in the criminal justice system, urbanicity and retrospective ADHD symptoms. Both urban and rural samples were examined regarding retrospective ADHD prevalence and delinquent behaviors.
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