for the 4th Student Conference on Gender Organized by the Center for Gender Studies Radford University - Radford Virginia |
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Do female muscians need to sell sex in their videos in order to be successful? | Heather Krantz & Nancey Waddle, Bill Gutersloh, Sarah Sebastian, Kristen Maddox, Ernie Wallace |
Radford University |
Society's perception of weight as viewed in magazines | Karen Eaves & Paula West, Jamie Royles, Beth Valen, David Hurd |
Radford University |
Gender differences in response to persuasive messages about handwashing | Jennifer Bass & Joanna Bryant, Sharon Carswell, Michelle Cregger, Elizabeth McClanahan, Carol Kurtz |
Radford University |
The effects of central versus peripheral persuasion on gender differences in handwashing | Joanna Bryant & Jennifer Bass |
Radford University |
Statistical analyses reveal support for reliability within the Lips Academic Self-view Survey | Jennifer Dagenhart |
Radford University |
Women and sports | David Hurd |
Radford University |
Sexual harassment of working women in India | Meera Murthi |
Radford University |
Hypothesizing sexual abuse in male and female clients | Stacey Phillips |
Radford University |
Variations in the performance of verbal and spatial tasks over the course of the menstrual cycle | J. M. Rexrode & M. E. Andrews, A. Benfield, L. Ferguson, H. Harrod, B. Neal, J. Van Antwerp, A. Grubb |
Radford University |
Individualism-collectivism and gender roles: Comparisons between US and Ukrainian women | Margaret Shafira & Melissa Himelein, Ph. D. |
UNC-Asheville, NC |
Asset-based cross-cultrual community intervention | Therese Phibbs Witmer | |
The evaluation of the feminist movement: A content analysis of Seventeen magazine, 1969-1999 | Lauren Young |
Radford University |
Conference Site | Keynote Address | Kemp Award | Center Home Page |
Conference Scenes | Program | Conference Home | Psychology Home |
Sessions Schedule | Posters | Conference Organizers | RU Home Page |
Created by W. Andrew and H. Lips Last updated September 17th, 2019 |