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Radford University Annual Report: 1995-96 |
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[1996] |
Years: ['01-'02] ['00-'01] ['99-'00] ['98-'99] ['97-'98] ['96-'97] ['95-'96] |
The Center
has had an active year once again. As we have done in the past, we sponsored
a number of speakers who addressed scholarly issues in the study of gender.
The speaker series was international in its scope, in accord with our goals
of including diverse perspectives and forging ties with scholars in other
countries. We also continued research on several projects, and sponsored
the presentation of student research at professional meetings. We continued
to publish our newsletter, with the help of two practicum students in Public
Relations. We broke ground on one new major endeavor: the sponsorship of the Radford University Student Research Conference on Gender. More than fifty undergraduate and graduate students, from Radford and other area universities, converged on our campus for one day at the end of March to present papers based on their own research. They were joined by other students and faculty who came to listen and learn, and by parents and friends who came to provide encouragement, take photographs, and enjoy the accomplishments of the presenters. President Douglas Covington brought a warm welcome to conference participants on behalf of Radford University, and Dr. Katherine Allen, from Virginia Tech, delivered the keynote speech. The conference drew over one hundred and twenty-five paid registrants and, according to the evaluations they provided, most thought it was an enormous success. Those of us who had worked for months to put the conference together were thrilled by the attendance, the enthusiasm, and general lack of problems we encountered on the day of the conference. We are grateful to faculty members from Radford University, Emory and Henry College, and Concord College who moderated sessions for the conference. We thank, as well, the staff of the Heth Student Center, Radford University's Dining Services, and the Radford University Bookstore for their help in making the conference a success. We have been fortunate this year to continue to have our house on Howe Street as the space where we can center our activities. That space is now jeopardized by the extension of Jefferson Street and we have been warned that we will have to move. As yet, we are not completely sure when this move will take place and what new space we will occupy. Thus, space is major concern as we look ahead to next year. Budget is another major concern. Our budget line for the past year contained only two hundred dollars; we have relied on individual donations, help from Radford University sources, and conference registration fees to fund many of our activities. The enthusiasm and
ideas provided by a new Advisory Board, as well as the dedication and
creativity of the students who worked for and with the Center, have been
critically important to our successful year. I thank all of you who have
been supportive and who have willingly given hours of your time to the
Center during 1995-96.
Dr. Kay K. Jordan, Associate
Professor, Philosophy & Religious Studies, Radford University. "Does
Worshiping a Goddess Empower Women?" October 4, 1995 Barbara Raab, NBC Nightly News Producer. "Margin or Mainstream? Gays, Lesbians and the American Media." October 23, 1995 Dr. Irina Akimushkina, Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Family and Gender Studies at the People's Friendship University in Moscow. "Women in Russia: Tradition and Change." November 9, 1995Dr. Marta Gonzalez-Garcia, University of Oviedo, Spain; Fulbright Scholar in residence at the University of Minneapolis. "The Search for Masculinity and Femininity: Epistemic and Non-Epistemic Factors in the Measurement of Sex Differences." February 22, 1996 Dr. Annette Wierschke, Assistant Professor, Foreign Languages and Literature, Radford University. "Aysel Ozakin: An Exiled Turkish Woman Writer Grappling With Questions of Identity Between Orientalism and Eurocentrism." March 6, 1996Dr. Katherine Allen, Professor of Family and Child Development, Virginia Tech. "Passionate Scholarship: Creating Knowledge that Matters." Keynote address at the First Annual Radford University Student Research Conference on Gender, March 30, 1996. The Eleanor Kemp Awards:A fund to encourage and support undergraduate research scholarship has been established in memory of Dr. Eleanor E. Kemp. Dr. Kemp was a dedicated professor of Psychology at Radford University and a founding member of the Center for Gender Studies. This year, two awards were presented, in a brief ceremony at the Student Research Conference on Gender. Dr. Marie Waters, who was responsible for initiating the awards, made the presentations. Congratulations to the two Kemp Award recipients of 1995-96: Magdalene
E. Drewnowski and Justin A. Lofurno. Magdalene
E. Drewnowski's title of her award winning research was, "Does the Gender
of a Leader in a High Adventure Recreational Activity Effect Assumptions
about the Leader and the Activity." She presented this paper at the Radford
University Student Research Conference on Gender. Overstreet, B., Lips, H.M., Lane, T., Stidham, K., Belford, J., & Plaster, A. (1995, October). Gender-related issues for first-generation college students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern chapter of the Association for Women in Psychology, Hilton Head, SC. Lips, H.M. (1996, January). Teaching sex and gender: Issues concerning gender and science. Invited address presented at the Eighteenth Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida. Back, Sudie E., Diaz, Claudia C. & Lips, Hilary M. (March 1996). Possible powerful selves in Spanish university students. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Norfolk.Diaz, Claudia C., Back, Sudie E., & Lips, Hilary M. (March 1996). Spanish University students' perceptions of powerful men and powerful women. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Norfolk. Lips, Hilary M. & Casey, James F. III. (March 1996). Fuzzy effects in scales assessing self-schemas and possible selves. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Norfolk.Sudie E. Back, Claudia C. Diaz Zuniga, and Hilary M. Lips (March 1996). "Possible Powerful Selves: An International Perspective." Paper presented at the First Annual Radford University Student Research Conference on Gender, Radford. Alicia Replogle (March, 1996). "Orlando." Paper presented at the First Annual Radford University Student Research Conference on Gender, Radford.Claudia C. Diaz Zuniga, Sudie E. Back, and Hilary M. Lips, "Spanish University Student's Perceptions of Powerful Men and Powerful Women." Paper presented at the First Annual Radford University Student Research Conference on Gender, Radford. Publications by Center Personnel:Lips, H.M., & Asquith, K. (1995). Women's and men's possible selves as scientists. Gates: An International Journal Promoting Greater Access to Technology, Engineering and Science, 2 (1), 1-7. Lips, H.M. (In press). Predicting university women's participation in mathematics and science: A causal model. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 2 (4).Lips, H.M. (1995). Through the lens of mathematical/scientific self-schemas: Images of students' current and possible selves. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 25 (19), 1671-1699. Sattler, David N., Back, Sudie, & Pollitt, Harriet. (1995). An Exit Survey Project for a Social Psychology Laboratory, Teaching of Psychology. (pp. 238-240).Grants: The Occasional Lecturers Program of The Council for the International Exchange of Scholars provided travel funding to allow us to bring Dr. Marta Gonzalez, a Fulbright Scholar from Spain in residence at the University of Minnesota, to Radford University for a visit this spring.Radford University's Scholarly Lecturers Committee provided funds for Dr. Irina Akimushkina to visit our campus in the fall. Sudie Back and Claudia Diaz received travel grants from the Graduate College to attend and present papers at the Southeastern Psychological Association convention in Norfolk. Center
Personnel, 1995-96 Director: Hilary M. Lips, Ph.D Graduate Research Assistant: Sudie BackResearch Associates: Alicia Replogle, Claudia Diaz, Lori Wilson Advisory Board: Dr. Carolyn Byerly, Dr. Sue Conrad, Dr. Steven Culver, Ms. Anna Fariello, Dr. Mary Ferrari, Dr. Dianne Friedman, Ms. Janet Hahn, Dr. Alastair Harris, Ms. Randee Huber, Dr. Rita Kranidis, Ms. Emily W-Stallings, Dr. Jane Wemhoener, Dr. Bhagavathi Yedur.Conference Planning Committee and volunteers: Sudie E. Back, Christina Beck, Claudia Diaz, Dr. Mary Ferrari, Sue Foley, Karen Ford, Sean Hughes, Dr. Rita Kranidis, Dr. Hilary Lips, Alicia M. Replogle, Emily W. Stallings, Lori Wilson, Dr. Bhagavathi Yedur. Public Relations Practicum Students: Erin Lowney, Mallory RothProject assistance was also provided by the following students: James Casey, Tina Lane, Leigh Shannon, and Kristin Stidham. |
Webmaster Email: hlips@radford.edu wandrew@radford.edu |