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Gender Studies Radford University Annual Report: 1997-98 |
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[1998] |
Years: ['01-'02] ['00-'01] ['99-'00] ['98-'99] ['97-'98] ['96-'97] ['95-'96] |
The Center for Gender Studies inaugurated a new logo this year, as seen above. The design, which is courtesy of RU art student Scott McManus, now graduated, graced our conference posters this year and appears on our office doors, our memos, fax cover sheets, and even on this year's conference T-shirts. Those of us who chose this logo were captivated by the way in which the circular design embodies the notion of a center, an entity that both draws people in and sends them out again with the knowledge, inspiration and energy to raise their hands in new tasks, new celebrations, new connections. The design reflects our hopes for the Center. A look back over 1997-98 shows a year of considerable accomplishments for the Center. Despite initial setbacks-my medical leave and the frustrating loss of our independent budget line-we mounted a successful student research conference, collected data for a major research initiative, helped to produce and promote a successful Women's Month on campus, and provided support and help for a number of students developing their own research on gender. The Third
Radford University Student Research Conference on Gender drew presenters
from many departments here at Radford: criminal justice, dance, psychology,
English, media studies, social work, and geology. It also attracted presenters
and registrants from thirteen different colleges and universities in Virginia,
North and South Carolina, and Tennessee. Topics of student presentations
ranged from an examination of reactions to the Million Woman March, to
men's attitudes toward date rape, wives coping with the post traumatic
stress of their Vietnam veteran husbands, the writings of Willa Cather,
women and the Internet, and women's spirituality. Presentation formats
included formal papers, posters, poetry, and dance. The keynote address,
by Dr. Mary Crawford of West Chester University in Pennsylvania, explored
ways in which research on women and gender has been undervalued in the
past, and how such research has made a difference to the lives of women
and men. A number of Radford University faculty members chaired sessions
at the conference. The efforts of these faculty members, along with those
of the small group of student volunteers who helped with organization,
staffing of the registration desk, and post-conference tasks, were critical
to the success of the conference. This year, under the financial sponsorship of the Student Activities Budget Committee, through the efforts of the Women's Alliance student group, a successful Women's Month program was held at Radford university. Our conference was one of the major events of that month, but the Center also helped to sponsor (with the Women's Alliance and the College of Education and Human Development) another important Women's Month event: a presentation and panel discussion on Women in Higher Education by Dr. Ludmilla Karpova from Russia and Ms. Kathryn Koop from Yugoslavia. This well-attended presentation helped to bring an international flavor to Women's Month, giving our students and faculty the opportunity to engage in dialogue about how the situation of women differs around the world. We do not yet know if and how funding for Women's Month will be available for the coming academic year. We hope that the university will find a way to continue to recognize the importance of having an observance of Women's Month on this campus which has historical roots as a women's college and where women make up the majority of the student body. An important aspect of the Center's focus has always been helping students to develop their own scholarly and research expertise in the realm of gender. This year, once again, as is obvious from the listing on the following pages, students who worked with the Center learned new skills, made public presentations of their work both on and off campus, and generally made us proud. They continue to make us proud after they leave us. What happens to the students who have worked with the Center when they graduate from Radford and move on? Here are a few of the success stories of students who have worked with us over the past few years. Susan Freedman is finishing up a Ph.D. in psychology; Adam Plaster is in medical school; Claudia Diaz is working in a research position at the Medical University of South Carolina; Sudie Back is beginning a Ph.D. program in clinical psychology; Nicole Childers-Daniels is doing a practicum in counseling in North Carolina; Emily W-Stallings is lecturing in Communication Studies at Virginia Tech; Randee Huber just completed her degree in social work. I know that these individuals will make a difference in the world and am pleased that the Center was a part of their experience here at Radford. I have appreciated the help, support and encouragement of a many people this year: the students and other volunteers who have worked for and with the Center, the faculty members who have come to meetings, sent messages of encouragement, and urged their students to submit papers to the conference or attend our events, the growing number of Friends of the Center for Gender Studies who lend their financial and moral support. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to another successful year for the Center. Hilary M. Lips, Director
The Year's Activities Presentations Sponsored by the Center: Women
in Higher Education: Integrating the Personal, Professional and Spiritual:
Panel, Discussion, and Reception with Dr. Ludmilla Karpova, of
the Linguistic University in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia and Ms. Kathryn Koop,
of the International Organization for Migration, Belgrade, Yugoslavia,
March 26, 1998. The panel, discussion, and reception was presented as
part of Radford University's Women's Month, sponsored by the Women's Alliance,
with funding from the Student Activities Board Committee. Co-sponsored
by the College of Education and Human Development and the Center for Gender
Dr. Mary Crawford, Professor of Psychology and Women's Studies, West Chester University of Pennsylvania. Feminist Research: Generations of Change. Keynote address at the Third Annual Radford University Student Research Conference on Gender, March 21, 1998. The Eleanor Kemp Awards: A fund
to encourage and support undergraduate research and scholarship has been
established in memory of Dr. Eleanor E. Kemp. Dr. Kemp was a dedicated
professor of psychology at Radford University for many years, and was
a founding member of the Center for Gender Studies. This year, two awards
were presented in a brief ceremony at the Student Research Conference
on Gender. Dr. Marie Waters, who was responsible for initiating the awards,
made the presentations. Congratulations to the two Kemp Award recipients
of 1997-98: Maria Zanardo and Samantha Lively.
The title of Maria Zanardo's research project was "The Impact of Women
in Advertisements on Sexual Attitudes". She presented her findings from
this project at the Radford University Student Research Conference on
Gender. Samantha Lively's project was titled "Location Strategies used
by Hippocampal Lesioned and Non-Hippocampal Lesioned Rats". She presented
the preliminary information about this project at the Radford University
Undergraduate Forum and her research is continuing. Connecting
to the World on the Web: The core of our mission as a Center is to construct a visible and significant place-a central place-for scholarship and teaching on gender issues. Our mission statement includes the notion that the Center will "serve as a responsible broker of gender-relevant knowledge and experience for students and other members of the academic community." In these times of vastly increased possibilities for electronic communication and sharing of information, we would be remiss if we did not extend the Center's reach into cyberspace. With these issues in mind, last year we initiated a site on the World Wide Web ( http://gstudies.asp.radford.edu/ ). This year, we have upgraded and updated the site. Please visit! It is a lively and interesting site that includes information about the Center, our research projects, our student research conferences and other events, and provides links to other web sites that are relevant to gender studies and women's studies. Currently "under construction" on the site is a photo gallery containing a visual record of our student research conferences. The Center is indebted to Wayne Andrew for his many hours of work on this project. Presentations by Center Personnel: Buckalew, L. (1998, March). Regional comparisons of gender differences in relation to current and possible selves. Paper presented at the Third Annual Student Research Conference on Gender, Radford University. Childers-Daniels, N. & Barnett, S. (1998, March). Relationship patterns among males and females within the Black community. Paper presented at the Third Annual Student Research Conference on Gender, Radford University. Hudson, G. (1998, March). Current self and possible self-conceptualization: A comparison of two academic settings. Paper presented at the Third Annual Student Research Conference on Gender, Radford University. Hudson, G., & Elliot, A. N. (1988, March). Margaret F. Washburn and Mary W. Calkins: The variability hypothesis as a possible explanation for their paradoxical relationships with their mentors. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Women in Psychology, Baltimore, MD. Lips, H. M. (1998, March). Power and its relationship to gender: Perceptions among Puerto Rican and Virginia university students. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Women in Psychology, Baltimore, MD. Lips, H. M. (1998, June). Gendered possibilities: Young women's and men's visions of their future power and competence. Invited address, Canadian Psychological Association convention, Edmonton, Alberta. Lips, H. M. (1998, May). Peering into the kaleidoscope: Incorporating global perspectives into the psychology of women course. Invited presentation to the Teaching Institute of the American Psychological Society convention, Washington, DC. Lips, H. M. (1998, June). "If I were a leader ...": University students' visions of themselves as future powerholders. Paper presented as part of the invited symposium on Gender, Hierarchy and Leadership (Alice Eagly, Chair), national convention of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Ann Arbor, MI. Lips, H. M., & Wilson, L. A. (1997, October). What is possible for me? Gender and academic self-concept among university students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Regional Chapter of the Association for Women in Psychology, Wilmington, NC. Rogers, M. (1998, March). Powerful models and chosen careers. Paper presented at the Third Annual Student Research Conference on Gender, Radford University. Wilson, L. A., (1998, January). Women's self-perceptions of their possible selves in math- and science-related areas. Presentation to the Radford chapter of the American Association of University Women. Wilson, L. A.. ( 1998, March). The influence of stereotypical beliefs and expectations on females' performance in mathematics. Paper presented at the Third Annual Student Research Conference on Gender, Radford University. Wilson, L. A., St. Clair, K., & Wilson, M. (1998, March). Women in science: An integration of research findings and personal experience. Roundtable session presented at the Third Annual Student Research Conference on Gender, Radford University. Publication by Center Personnel: Back, S., & Lips, H. M. (in press). Child sexual abuse: Victim age, victim gender, and observer gender as factors contributing to attributions of responsibility. Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal.
People Who Kept the Center Going in 1997-98 Director: Hilary M. Lips Graduate Research Assistant: Nicole Childers-Daniels Student members of the research group: Lisa Buckalew, Ginger Hudson, Melanie Rogers, Lori Wilson Advisory Group: Mary Atwell, Moira Baker, Sue Conrad, Steven Culver, Margaret Devaney, Anna Fariello, Mary Ferrari, Dianne Friedman, Rhett Herman, Janet Hahn, Alastair Harris, Sharon Hartline, Randee Huber, Kay Jordan, Raiza Kolia, Rita Kranidis, Heidi Levine, Pat Shoemaker, Ginny Weisz, Jane Wemhoener. Co-chairs of the Friends of the Center Campaign: Marie Waters and Jo Alderman Web page: Wayne Andrew Friends of the Center for Gender Studies: Ms. Jo Alderman, Alliant Techsystems, Ms. April Asbury, Ms. Karen Asquith, Ms. Sudie Back, Dr. Thomas Bruneau, Ms. Dawn Bullen, Dr. Beth Carlson-Nelson, Dr. Jeffery L. Chase, Dr. Sue Conrad, Dr. Steve Culver, Dr. Ann Elliot, Ms. Anna Fariello, Ms.Linda Farynk, Ms. Janet M. Hahn, Dr. Al Harris, Ms. Eleanor Harris, Ms. Sue Plunkett Hill, Mr. James Hughes, Ms. Bonnie Hurlburt, Ms. Brenda Lott, Dr. Dottie Mercer, Ms. Cindy Mikoychik, Ms. Margaret Moore, Dr. Nancy Morehouse, Dr. Belinda Overstreet, Dr. N. Pearson, Ms. Harriet Mauck Regen, Dr. Nora Reilly, Mr. Robert Richards, Dr. Paula Stanley, Dr. Ellie Sturgis, Honorable & Mrs.James C. Turk, Dr. Janet Wagner, Dr. Marie Waters. |
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Webmaster Email: hlips@radford.edu wandrew@radford.edu |