Predicting the Academic Success of College Women
Karina Bevins, Cassandra Homick, Rebecca Wiegmann, Lara Barbir, Julianna Williams Katie Easter, Celine Fadi
Faculty Mentor(s): Jeff Aspelmeier, Ann Elliott and Anja Whittington

Center for Gender Studies Symposium ~ 4:45-5:00pm ~ Heth 22
A longitudinal study of academic success identifies factors that predict the first semester GPA and second semester enrolment of women enrolled in their first semester of college. Initially, 123 freshmen, recruited from the Psychology Department participant pool, completed measures of resilience, psychological functioning, social- support, self-esteem, and attachment security during the first 4 weeks of the semester. During the last four weeks of the semester, 52 participants returned to complete measures of resilience, psychological functioning, social- support, locus of control, and social desirability and participants provided permission to obtain their Fall 2016 GPA and Spring 2017 enrolment data from university records. Regression and Logistic regression models were used to evaluate the group of variables that best predict first semester GPA and persisting to the second semester of college.
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