"Assessing Attitudes of Veterans Administration Providers toward Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Individuals"
Alex Latham 
Counseling Psychology PsyD
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Valerie Leake
Presentation Abstract
Providers’ implicit and explicit attitudes can influence and shape the quality of care of transgender veterans. While researchers have reported veterans who identify as transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) perceive the climate within the Veterans Administration (VA) setting as uninviting less is known about the current attitudes of providers towards veterans who identify as TGNC. Understanding the attitudes of providers towards veterans who identify as TGNC may improve quality of care, overall standard of care, help guide education, and aid in making the VA more welcoming toward veterans who identify as TGNC. This study assessed VA medical and mental health providers’ explicit attitudes toward people who identify as TGNC using the ATTI and implicit attitudes on both G-IATs. Explicit attitudes for all providers were compared to the implicit attitudes of all providers. Additionally, differences between the attitudes of medical providers and mental health providers were assessed for both explicit attitudes and implicit attitudes. Results and implications are discussed.

  Keywords:  Transgender, Gender Non-conforming, Implicit Attitudes  

Symposium 2018 Notice  Keynote Speaker: Presentation   Program-2018 Speakers   Center Guest Speakers   Kemp Awards
Center for Gender Studies   Psychology  College of Humanities & Behavioral Sciences  Radford University
Web page by:  W. Andrew   Last update November  12th, 2018