Radford University
News of Current, Coming & Previous Events
invited presentations  and events sponsored or co-sponsored by
The Center for Gender Studies
Center Logo: the Artists
~ ~ ~ September -- June, 2015 - 2016
Aiden James
Kosciesza, M.A.  
2016 ... on ►
"Plastic Boy: Transgender Identity Unpacked"
A 2016 Counseling Psychology Presentation by
Aiden James Kosciesza, M.A.
Co-sponsored by Radford University's Counseling Psychology Student Organization and the Club Programming Committee
Eleanor E. Kemp
2015 - 2016
Research Awards
Students-Faculty Gender Related Research:
Titles and Abstracts of Projects
Funded Through Kemp Awards
Katie Lawson, Ph.D.
Psychological Science
Ball State University
  ... on ►
Gendered Occupational Segregation: A Persistent Issue
A 2015 Gender Wage Gap presentation co-sponsored by Radford University's Center for Gender Studies and Department of Psychology
Monday, October 12th 3 p.m. in 043 Heth Hall
~ ~ ~ September -- June, 2014 - 2015
Hilary M. Lips, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Radford University
  ... on ►
"WOMEN WORKING FOR LESS: What's the Problem?"
A 2015 Gender Wage Gap presentation co-sponsored by the Indiana University of Pennsylvania  Department of PsychologyWomen's Studies and the Women's Program Office
Tuesday, April 21st, 5:15 p.m. in the Sally B. Johnson Hall
Hilary M. Lips, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Radford University
  ... on ►
"WOMEN WORKING FOR LESS: What's the Problem?"
2015 Gender Wage Gap presentation sponsored by Slippery Rock University's  Psychology, Gender Studies, Women's Center & Psi-Chi groups
Monday, April 20th 7 p.m. in the Smith Center Ballroom

Hilary M. Lips, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Radford University
  ... on ►

"WOMEN WORKING FOR LESS: What's the Problem?"
A Radford University 2015 Women's History Month presentation sponsored by the Center for Gender Studies, the Department of Psychology,
and Women's Studies
Tuesday, March 31st 2015: 4 p.m. in the Bonnie Auditorium
Miriam LIss & Mindy Erchull
Department of Psychology
University of Mary Washington
  ... on ►
"NEGOTIATING FAMILY LIFE: Equality is Hard to Achieve"
A Radford University 2014 Diversity & Inclusion Week presentation sponsored by the Center for Gender Studies & the Department of Psychology
Monday, October 13th, 2014: 4-5 p.m. Room 22, Heth Hall
~ ~ ~ September -- June, 2013 - 2014
Hilary M. Lips, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Radford University

  ... on ►
"Possible Futures at Work:
Anticipation of Power and Pay by U.S. College Student

A Submission to the 2014
Gender, Work and Organizations 8th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference
With Streams on Youth Job Insecurity:
Gender, Working life and Life plans
Keele University, June 2014
Center for Gender Studies
& Department of Psychology
.. Conference Event
 at Radford University
... on ►
GENDER SCHOLARSHIP @ RU: The 2014 Student-Faculty Research Symposium at Radford University
Sponsored by the Center for Gender Studies and the
Department of Psychology
Thursday 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. April 24, 2014
Location: Heth 014 ~ Radford University
      Cheryl Travis

  ... on ►
"The Women's Health Movment and Disparities"
Thursday 2 pm to 2:25 p.m.   April 24th
Heth 014 ~ Radford University
Radford, VA 24142
Kasey Campbell
& Rori Holford
  ... on ►
"Is She Worth Less? Planning a Gender Pay Gap Workshop?"
Thursday 2 pm to 2:25 p.m.   April 24th
Heth 014 ~ Radford University
Radford, VA 24142
Jennifer Glass

  ... on ►
"Rural Lesbians’ Perceptions of the Impact of Coming Out Within Family Relationships: A Qualitative Investigation"
Thursday 2:25 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.   April 24th
Heth 014 ~ Radford University
Radford, VA 24142
Rachel Turk, Brianna Pomeroy,
Brittany Nipper, Marco Pomposini
and Lora Wagner 
 ... on ►
"Childhood Victimization, Poly-Victimization, and Psychological
Distress in College-Aged Males

Thursday 3:05 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.   April 24th
Heth 014 ~ Radford University
Radford, VA 24142
 Jaclyn Mullins
 ... on ►
"Posttraumatic Growth among Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors: The Role of Giving and Receiving Social Support"
Thursday 3:30 p.m. to 3:55 p.m.   April 24th
Heth 014 ~ Radford University
Radford, VA 24142
~ ~ ~
A Women's Day Event
Sponsored by the:
Center for Gender Studies, Sociology, Scholar Citizen Initiative, Psychology and Radford University
 ... on ►
A Day of Talks & Workshops

Monday 10 am to 4:30 p.m.  March 31st, 2014
Muse Banquet Hall ~ Radford University
Radford, VA 24142
A Women's Day Event
Sponsored by the:
Center for Gender Studies in the Department of Psychology

 ... on ►
Young Women Learning to Expect Less and Do More:
Research Challenging A Human Capital Model Explanation for the Gender Pay Gap

Tuesday 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. March 25th, 2014
Bonnie Auditorium ~ Radford University
Radford, VA 24142
Robb Travers
Department of Psychology
 Wilfrid Laurier University

 ... on ►
an invited public address
Monday 4:00 p.m.  October 21st, 2013
 Heth Hall 22 ~ Radford University
Radford, VA 24142
Josie Loomis & Lisa Pluska
Floyd County Public Schools
 Floyd County, Virginia

 ... on ►
an alumni teaching day event
Tuesday 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.  February 11th, 2014
 Heth Hall 22 ~ Radford University
Radford, VA 24142
~ ~ ~ September -- April, 2012-20013
  Dr. Hilary Lips, Center Director is on a Sabbatical Study Leave
The Center will not be holding or sponsoring events for this academic year; however research and scholarship projects continue
Hastings, S.,  Lips, H. M.,
Whittington, A. Simpson, S., 
and Cooke, S.

Department of Psychology
Radford University
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"WE WANT THE DOCTORS TO KNOW": Breast Cancer Survivors Recount Their Experiences with Breast Reconstruction.
a conference presentation
The Association for Behavioral Science and Medical Education
San Antonio, TX
October 2012
~ ~ ~ September -- April, 2011-20012
Emily Keener
Department of Psychology
Slippery Rock University

... on ►
the 2012 Symposium Keynote Address
by Dr. Emily Keener
Sponsors: the Center for Gender Studies and Psychology
at Radford University
5:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 17th, 2012
A Center for Gender Studies
& Department of Psychology
.. Conference Event
 at Radford University
... on ►
GENDER SCHOLARSHIP @ RU: Providing Tools for
Understanding & Change
Heth 022, 1:00 - 5:00
Tuesday, April 17th, 2012
Hilary M. Lips
Professor & Chair, Psychology
Radford University

... on ►
"THE GENDER PAY GAP: Where Do Women Stand Now?"
A Keynote Address
by  Dr. Hilary Lips  for
Women's History Month
Sponsored by Women's Studies at Radford University
3:30 p.m. Thursday, March 1st, 2012
Hilary M. Lips
Professor & Chair, Psychology
Radford University

.... wins ►
The 2011 Distinguished Scholarship Award Winner
in Ru's College of Humanities & Behavioral Sciences is
Dr. Hilary M. Lips

(please click on the link above for further details)
Hilary M. Lips
Professor & Chair, Psychology
Radford University

..on . ►
"THE GENDER WAGE GAP: Debunking the Rationalizations"
an invited  presentation
by  Dr. Hilary Lips  for
the  Colloquium Series Studies Money  at
Lebanon Valley College
11 a.m. Thursday, October 6th, 2011
~ ~ ~ September -- April, 2010-20011
Kim Davies
Associate Professor
 & Chair, Sociology
Augusta State University

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"POLICE WOMEN: On the mean streets
and on the small screen"

an invited symposium keynote, public address
Heth 014, 4:15 - 5:30
Thursday, April 21st, 2011
A Center for Gender Studies
& Department of Psychology
.. Symposium Event
 at Radford University
.. on ►
GENDER SCHOLARSHIP @ RU Providing Tools for
Understanding & Change
Heth 014, 12:00 - 4:00
Thursday, April 21st, 2011
Hilary M. Lips
Professor & Chair, Psychology
Radford University

... on ►
"Beware Those Who Blame Gender Pay Gap
On Women’s Choices"
an invited online featured report
Forbes & WomensMedia Publication

April 12th, 2011
Hilary M. Lips
Professor & Chair, Psychology
Radford University

... on ►
"THE GENDER PAY GAP: Where Do We Stand Now?"
an invited, public address at
The University of Mary Washington
Lee Hall, Room 411, 7pm - 8pm
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011
Amy Burns
a full-time therapist 
and Laurie Buchwald 
a national certified menopause practitioner
.. on ►
"RU & BEYOND: Alumni Exploring Gender-Related Issues"
Presentations by Radford University alumni.
Friday, January 28th, 2011
Susan L. Wiese
Adjunct Professor, Psychology
Florida Atlantic University

.. on ►
A dynamical systems perspective of the self

An Research Presentation
Friday, October 22, 2010
~ ~ ~ September -- April, 2009-20010
  Center for Gender Studies Symposium ~ Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Gregory Scott Kerwin
Asst. Professor
Applied Psychology Program
Albright College, Reading, PA
.. on ►
A grounded analysis of the pro-anorexia movement "
Symposium Keynote Address
Tuesday, April 13th, 2010
Kayla Huntley
  ... on ►
in the Media Portrayal of Women Leaders"
Tuesday, April 13th, 2010
Bob Lytle
  ... on ►
When Negative Stereotypes Improve Performance"
Tuesday, April 13th, 2010
Laura Fisher
  ... on ►
"SWORN VIRGINS: A Balkan Mountain 'Tradition' "
Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Hilary Lips
Professor & Psychology Chair
Radford University
... on ►
Friday, February 22, 210 in "Bonnie" Hurlburt 249/250
Christie Svirsky & Emily Wilkinson Stallings
Radford University Alumni
 ... on ►
February 19th, 2010
Sarah Hasting & Tracy Cohn
Asst. Professors - Counseling Psychology - Psychology
Radford University
... on ►
Friday, October 30th, 2009
~ ~ ~ September -- April, 2008-2009
Pamela H. Remer .. on ►
Asst. Professor - Management
Radford University
"Date Rape Prevention as Social Justice Training: Transforming Male Privilege & Creating Non-Rape Prone Campus Cultures"
Christy H. Weer
Asst. Professor - Management
Radford University
.. on ►
The implications of commitment to personal life roles on job performance: A study of female, non-managerial  employees
~ ~ ~ September -- April, 2007-2008
Arnold S. Kahn
Professor - Psychology
James Madison University
.. on ► 
   "Was it Rape or Just a Bad Night?"
"Responses from Victims and Observers"
co-sponsored with the Department of Psychology
(click the title for more information)
~ ~ ~ September -- April, 2006-2007 
Rebecca Scheckler 
Educational technologist 
Health and Human Services
Waldron College, Radford University
.. on ►
"Why are computers for boys and dish washers for girls?"
"The gendering of technologies"
(click the title for more information)
in the Bonnie Hulburt Center - Room 249/250
~ ~ ~ September -- April, 2005-2006 
Julie Smith
Adjunct Faculty - Mathematics 
Radford University
.. on ► 
Women in the Math Industry
(click the title for more information)
in the Bonnie Hulburt Center - Room 250
Tuesday March 28th, 6:30 PM
Dr. Patti L. Watkins
Associate Professor -
Women's Studies 
Oregon State University

.. on ►
Feel WonderFull Fitness:
A Feminist Approach to Physical Activity for Larger Women
(click the title for more information)
in the Heth Student Center - Lounge B
3:30 PM, Tuesday, November 15th, 2005
Dr. Danielle Currier
Assistant Professor - Sociology
Anthropology & Sociology

... on ►
"The Culture of Violence Against Women"
(click the title for more information)
in the Heth Student Center - Lounge C
12:30 - 1:45, Tuesday, October 15th, 2004
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[See also:  Current &Previous Center Speakers ]
Selected Previous Years - Events - Awards
  2004, Spring     2003, Spring      2002,Fall      2001, Spring      1999, Fall      1999, Spring

Awards: 1999 ~ 1998 ~ 1996 ~ 1992
  In 2004, Spring 
       __March   Undergraduate/Graduate Forum   at Radford University
Do We Know Where We Are?
Young Women's Knowledge & Beliefs
About the Gender Pay Gap

Presented by
Stephanie M. Hoban
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hilary M. Lips

       __March   Undergraduate/Graduate Forum   at Radford University
Identifying Gender Neutral Tasks & Incentives
Presented by
Emily J. Keener &
Dawn E. Joyce

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hilary M. Lips

  In 2003 Spring    
       __April 1st  Heth Lounge A, 11:00 - 12:15 Radford University
"Gender Self-Concepts in Teaching,
          in Learning, in Using Science & Technology"
          A research symposium.
Hilary Lips
Jacki Quinlan
Jeanne Mekolichick
       __March 20-22nd Virgina Tech, Blacksburg, March 20-22, 2003
"University Students' Self-Views and
          Their Choices to Pursue or Avoid Studies in
          Science and Technology"

          Southeastern Women’s Studies Association
Hilary Lips, Chair: Psychology &
Director: Center for Gender Studies
       __March 3rd Heth Lounge A, 12:00-1:00 Radford University
 "Are Women Still Worth Less? A Report on the
          Gender Pay Gap."
Hilary Lips,
Chair: Psychology &
Director: Center for Gender Studies

  In 2002, Fall  
       __November 2nd  Rm 107 Cook Hall, 12 Noon Radford University
 "Our Common Journey: Global Perspectives
          on Women's Experiences"  A Mini-Conference by
          Radford University Students in Women's Studies

Conference Sponsors:
Suchrita Samanta
Phelele Tengeni
Hilary Lips
Center for Gender Studies

       __October 17th, Radford University
 "Gendered Futures: University Students'
          Views of their Current and Possible Selves"

Hilary Lips, Ph.D.
Professor & Chair: Psychology,
Director: Center for Gender Studies
(Formerly)Director: Women's Studies
       __September 20th, 12:00 noon, Room 1014 Orr Major,
         University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City
"Women's self-views and the bumpy road to a career in science"
an invited address by: Dr. Hilary M. Lips
Professor & Director: Women's Studies & the Center for Gender Studies

Principle Sponsor: The Women in Medicine and Science Program
at the University of Kansas
       __October 7th, 1:00 pm, Rm Lounge B, Heth Hall, Radford University
"Women and Politics in South Africa"
a talk by:  Ms. Phelele M. Tengeni, South African
Fulbright Scholar in Residence
       __Thursday, October 17th, 12:30 - 1:45 pm., Rm 107, Cook
"Gendered Futures:
University Students' Views of their Current and Possible Selves"
a presentation by:   Dr. Hilary Lips , Director
Women's Studies and the Center for Gender Studies 
  In Spring 2001    
         Saturday, March 31st    Student Research Conference on Gender
In April 2001, Radford University's Sixth Student Research Conference on Gender wasl held in the Cook International Education Building. For further information regarding this, and earlier student conferences, visit this link:
                                                                        Conference 2001 

          Wednesday, March 21st, 2001, 7:30 pm, Preston Auditorium
An Evening With  Molly Ivins
co-sponsored a talk by
The Center for Gender Studies and the Radford University Foundation

          Saturday, April 8th    Student Research Conference on Gender
In April 2000, Radford University's Fifth Student Research Conference on Gender wasl held in the Cook International Education Building. For further information regarding this, and earlier student conferences, visit this link:
                                                                        Conference 2000  


        Tuesday, March 21st, 7:30 pm, Rm 107 Cook

"A Musical Romp Through History"
an evening of entertainment by: Gerri Gribi

          Tuesday, March 21st, 7:30 pm, Rm 107 Cook

"A Musical Romp Through History"
an evening of entertainment by: Gerri Gribi
          Thursday, March 16th, 7:30 pm, Rm 107 Cook

"The Impact of Economic Reform on Work and Family in China"
a talk given by:  Dr. Esther Ngan-Ling Chow
Professor of Sociology
American University in Washington, D.C.
          Thursday, February 24th, 7:30 pm, Rm 107 Cook
"The Representation of Women
In Maoist and post-Maoist Chinese Theater"

a talk given by:  Dr. Xiaomei Chen
Associate Professor of Chinese and Comparitive Literature
Ohio State University
       __Wednesday, January 19th, 7:30 pm, 107 Cook                           
"Gender, Guanxi, and Power:
Women Entrepreneurs in China's Socialist Market Economy"

a talk given by:  Dr. Kimberly Chang
Hampshire College
formerly of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  In Fall 1999   
     __Friday - November 19th, 12:00, New River Rm, Heth Hall
 Women & Substance Abuse"
 a presentation by: Dr. Anne Dornberg,
Dept. of Social Work
       __Friday - October 8th, 12:00pm, in Heth Lounge C
"Social Construction of Depression - Or
It's a Wonder More Women Aren't Depressed"

a talk given by:  Dr. Diane Hodge,
Dept. of Social Work, Radford University
  In Spring 1999   
      __Saturday - April 17th  
The Fourth Radford University
Student Research Conference on Gender
In the Spring Term of 199, The Center for Gender Studies sponsored The 4th Student Research Conference on Gender
Click on Conference '99 for an overview of last year's program and links to conference highlights.
  Tuesday - January 19th - Women's Voices: Three Presentations
The Center for Gender Studies Sponsored a joint presentation, "Women's Voices" by three Radford University faculty women. Unfortunately, we don't have, as yet, abstracts of their talks, but plan to make them available as soon as we do. Click on the highlighted title above for program details
  1999 - 1998 - 1996 -1992 Awards return to current events Return Arrow
      _1999 Award ~ February 19th to March 13th 

The 1999 Fulbright New Zealand-United States
Distinguished  American Scholar Lectures
presented by
Professor Hilary M. Lips. Radford University's
New Zealand's Fulbright NZ-U.S. Award Recipient

February - New Zealand's Distinguished American Scholar Lecture Series
In the Fall of 1998, the Director of the Center, Dr. Lips, was the recipient of the 1999 New Zealand Distinguished American Scholar Award. The award included a three week lecture series in New Zealand during the months of February to March 1999. Aspects of these lectures were transcribed in New Zealand made available, from there, to Radford University Students and a much wider community in New Zealand and elsewhere via the Center for Gender Studies web site. Highlights of the New Zealand Lectures may be explored by clicking on the following highlighted text: New Zealand's Distinguished American Scholar Lecture Series. Visit the 1999 Annual Report for further comments on the series from Dr. Lips and for a summary of many other activities not mentioned here.
          1998 Award:   Jessie Berrnard Award for Outstanding Contribution to Feminist Scholarship Paper
presented by the National Council on Family Relations to
Dr. Hilary Lips, Ph.D., Professor & Chair, Radford University
 and to
Susan Friedman, M.S.. Clinical Psychology, Radford University
          1996 Award:   Award for Creative Scholarship
Presented by the Radford University Foundation, Inc
on May 4, 1996 to
Dr. Hilary M. Lips, Ph.D.
          1992 Award:    Distinguished Publication Award from the Association for Women in Psychology
for "Women, Men and Power" by
Dr. Hilary M. Lips, Author

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Center for Gender Studies  Events ~ Speakers ~ Home Page     Psychology Department
College of Humanities & Behavioral Sciences      Radford University

Website Created by   H. Lips  &  W. Andrew
Last updated March 29th, 2022
Copyright © 2004 H. Lips & W. Andrew. All rights reserved