A Gender Gap Update for 2003 Hilary Lips' Web Site
presented at
12:00-1:00, Heth Lounge A
Monday March 3, 2003
Radford University, Radford, VA

Synopsis: Many people believe that the earnings gap between women and men is disappearing. But is it? International statistics show that, around the world, women still earn less than men in all countries and all regions of the world. In the United States, the gender pay gap has persisted over the past half-century, with little evidence of real narrowing. This presentation will focus on the reasons why women should still be concerned about pay equity.
For more detailed information on gender and wage gaps, click on:  Documenting Wage Gaps World Wide

Background: Hilary Lips is currently professor and chair of the department of psychology at Radford University. She is also director of the Center for Gender Studies. She has given several invited addresses on the theme of gender and economic participation (eg., A Price Above Rubies? ). Further details regarding her academic background, past and current research interests and academic works, can be obtained by
visiting her web site:    http://www.radford.edu/~hlips

Presentation: Hilary Lips' talk is open to the public. Admission is free.
Presentation Sponsors:  The Center for Gender Studies   Women's Studies  @  Radford University
Center for Gender Studies Associated Links
Wage Gaps World Wide   Gender Pay Gap--MW2011     A Price Above Rubies? @ Albany NY  
Guest Speakers       Cgs Projects       Hilary Lips
Center for Gender Studies      Psychology Home Page       RU Home Page

Web page by   H. Lips  &   W. Andrew    Last updated July 16th, 2021